

Question by  yzta (17)

What could have caused painful blisters on my fingertips?


Answer by  localgirl808 (405)

They could be caused by burns (e.g. from touching a hot pan). They could also be a symptom of stress. You should see your doctor if you're concerned.


Answer by  NurseB (513)

Most likey this is a kind of Herpes/Zooster infection. It is not sexually transmitted. Although contagious. Usually this infection will resolve itself, if becomes too painful try anti viral medication.


Answer by  pradhaprajgmailcom (1518)

The dirt in the nails or dirty hands cause the blisters. The nails when unkempt become a store house for germs to breed. This beecome painful boil,some time leads to removable of it by minor surgery. The heat in your body may be the cause for boils to form. Anyway keep your nails clean.


Answer by  Mable (3008)

There are three options: friction, heat or a toxic substance such as acid. Have you been using your fingers for something that involves repetitive rubbing to create friction burns? Have you been touching something very hot? Have you dipped your fingers into some toxic material? Your answer lies within you!

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