health conditions


Question by  slmturk (24)

What could cause an irritated belly button?


Answer by  bullet02 (172)

Irritated belly button is caused by infection by dirt or filth the accumulated the area. It is advised to clean the area with mild soap and antibacterial ointment.


Answer by  phoenix81 (50)

An irritated belly button could be infected due to a bell ring and the button itself not being cleaned in the appropriate manner.


Answer by  RRGKK (412)

The belly button skin can be a sensitive area. It could be a heat rash or an allergic reation. Try using a Q tip with hydrogen peroxide to clean it.


Answer by  scigirl (129)

An irritated belly button could be caused by not properly drying it after getting out of the shower. This could cause yeast build up since yeast loves dark, wet places. You can treat it with hydrogen peroxide.

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