

Question by  mselizabeth (18)

What could be causing my male cat's nipple to bleed?


Answer by  patti (29325)

Take your cat to the veterinarian immediately. A bloody discharge from the nipple could easily be the sign of a tumor or other growth in the gland. Check the skin and make sure the blood is not coming from a small laceration. Otherwise, have your cat seen without delay so save him a world of suffering and pain.


Answer by  Desine (427)

An infection. Watch for any changes or peculiarities in your cat's behavior, and take him to the vet as soon as possible.


Answer by  mammakat (11147)

If he's an active Tom, he may have just got hung up, or got it bitten. Look for discharge, swelling, mucous- signs of infection. Keep an eye on it, clean with Witch Hazel, apply Bag Balm- if it doesn't resolve, consider a vet visit.


Answer by  doigerooney (66)

If the male has kittens, it is not at all impossible for the kittens to be confused and attempt to suckle on the male's nipples. This could be the source of the bleeding.


Answer by  DanielleK (535)

Your cat may have simply scratched himself and accidently cut himself with his claws while taking care of an itch. If it doesn't heal or looks as if its oozing, take him to the vet as it can be a sign of medical problems.


Answer by  Kelmaz (339)

Male cats can develop infections so this may be a cause or it could be as a result of fighting or injury and would need to checked by a vet.


Answer by  Teaberry (846)

It could be an infection or an irritant, especially if the cat is out doors. The cat could of raked itself or had been in a cat fight.


Answer by  pradhaprajgmailcom (1518)

It is a bad oman.Your cat is in a serious trouble.Immediate step has to be taken.The infection in the teethers might have caused this.The virus attack would have gone unnoticed for a long time may also cause this.If the teethers are hit hard they bleed.

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