


Question by  Erikabrooke (22)

What could be causing me to have terrifying dreams?


Answer by  KIndiraNarasimham (142)

Terrifying dreams often occur in times of high stress or illness, leaving the dreamer waking terrified, however most night terror sufferers do not recall their dreams so clearly. Bad dreams are often linked with your emotional state, great mental stress and pressures. Bad dreams are also caused due to certain medicines,like beta-blockers, tranquillizers and anti-depressants.


Answer by  xazurianx (330)

Two major causes of nightmares and terrifying dreams are stress and medication. Our mind and mood play a big role in how we sleep and what we dream about. A good relaxation ritual before bed can help prevent those bad dreams. Some have found that persistent bad dreams were caused by a medication they use frequently either OTC or prescribed.


Answer by  Zaka (2315)

Television. Daily stress will and an active imagination will only fuel nightmares so far. Plot developments in crime shows coupled with developments seen right before in the evening news are the skeletons on which to peg my worst fears by giving them a sequence that would otherwise remain nebulous and lost in pure symbols as I dream.


Answer by  ravishanker (155)

There are many reasons for this type of dreams. Some of them are worrying due to lack of money or business and family tensions, sadness in mind due to missing of loved ones, tiredness lack of sleep; changing of the place where we sleep regularly and so on. Sometimes bad thoughts also cause such type of dreams.

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