

Question by  Sylar (29)

What could be causing a lump on the back of my leg, behind the knee?


Answer by  Traci (55)

There are all sorts of things that could cause a lump on your leg. The best thing for you to do is to seek medical advise from a qualified doctor. Guessing without properly examined is just going to cause possibly unnecisary anxiety. If the problem is serious, it will probably get worse unless you have it looked at.


Answer by  STariq (136)

The lump could be caused by any of the following conditions: Lipoma ; which is a collection of fat in a particular area. or an abcess or an Aneurysm ; which is when either your veins or arteries becomes dilated. or enlarged lymph gland; which usually happens when their is an obstruction in the gland or an infection.


Answer by  psychomom (58)

It could possibly be Bakers Cyst. Quite common can be quite painful. Most go away on their own but depending on your Drs advice, may require treatment. You need to have it checked since there are many more things, i. e. bug bites, broken veins, that could cause a lump.


Answer by  Ginny (2251)

You may have a Baker Cyst. This is caused when the fluid in your knee joint pushes outward to the back of the knee. It is common in knees with arthritic problems and many times does not have symptoms or pain. However, if there is pain or inflammation, a doctor can aspirate the fluid from it.

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