

Question by  bjudd (123)

What causes white around a mole?


Answer by  Latin4 (11170)

This is a pigmentation. This is a very common mole and also goes by the name of Sutton naevus. It has been know to rarely be cancerous, but some halos have been around a maligment mole. Your best bet is to see your doctor, so he can run tests.


Answer by  raj75 (47)

the moles which are abnormal are the reasons for these white around moles. malignant moles are the reasons for these halo moles. they attack the pigments of the cells and they rarely appera on the limbs. and a proper care should be taken to avoid these halo moles. when going out sunscreen shoud used around these ,so as to avoid damage.


Answer by  StarOne (941)

A mole with white around it is called a halo mole. It is caused when the body sees the mole as something to fight. Eventually your mole will fade and disappear and then the white skin will return to normal.


Answer by  Darkephoenix (1789)

The white around a mole occurs when the body decides a particular mole needs to be destroyed. Antibodies and T-cells attack the pigment cells in the mole causing the color change. That doesn't necessarily mean it's cancerous but it does need to be checked by a dermatologist.

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