

Question by  Duffman40 (15)

What causes irisitis?


Answer by  Anonymous

I just came from my eye specialist due to fuzzy vision and discoloured iris in one eye. He told me my Crohn's disease (autoimmune disease )was the culprit for the inflammation and bleeding in my eye, Iritis, and put me on cortisone eye drops and dialation drops for one week.

posted by Anonymous
Chlamydia?  add a comment

Answer by  aearthdragon (471)

It depends which type you have. •tramatic iritis: blunt injury to the that creates inflammation of the iris. •nontraumatic iritis: is frequently associated with certain systemic diseases (diseases that affects multiple locations throughout the body) and are often auto-immune. •infectious iristis: is where an infection causes the inflamation.


Answer by  Ginny (2251)

It can be blunt force trauma, or systemic diseases like psoriasis, tuberculosis, ankylosing spondylitis, bowel disease, even juvenile rheumatoid arthritis; also infections like Lyme disease, syphillis, herpes and toxoplasmosis.


Answer by  electricshocks (25)

Some auto immune diseases can cause irisitis. You should immediately see your doctor if your eyes are bothering you for any reason.


Answer by  KIndiraNarasimham (142)

The iris is made up of muscular fibers that control the amount of light entering the pupil. The iris accomplishes this task by making the pupil smaller in bright light and larger in dim light. In some people, the iris can become inflamed. This is termed iritis.


Answer by  Anonymous

I had Irisitis from 1973 onward. By chance, I discovered that the problem was created when I drank beer or ate certain peanuts. Continued to get the occasional attacks. Eventually discovered the cause - certain "Fungal Mycotoxins"!

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