health conditions


Question by  lucypuke (28)

What causes a torn planter fascia and how is it treated?


Answer by  mpartin (1600)

This is caused by standing for long periods of time on a hard surface without proper arch support in your shoes. Usually this is repaired by surgery.


Answer by  fishy (1085)

Torn plantar fascia is caused by an irregular torquing of the bottom of the foot most times. Surgery may be required to repair severe tears but most times just rest.


Answer by  Adrian29 (547)

There are many causes. Sometimes improper shoes, weight, exercise or even a prediposition cause cause it. Treatment is simple. Ice for swelling. OTC pain medication and Taping offers the support you need.


Answer by  Crystalb (163)

It can be caused by increased physical activity, or stress on the heel or foot. the best way to treat this type of injury is with a shoe insert, and of course taking non steroidal anti inflammatory drugs for the pain. There are also some exercises you can do that will often help you heal faster.

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