


Question by  chapstick (58)

What can you use instead of mulch?


Answer by  Jimbob (2275)

One can simply apply topsoil and enrich it with fertilizer to make a good base for plants. Mulch is good as it has bio material which allows the soil to have lots of volume. But a good soil with straw mixed in and enriched with fertilizer will make a place where plants will want to grow.


Answer by  Latin4 (11170)

You can use small stones or gravel. But try and keep them in the area you put them in. If they get into the lawn it can leave brown spots.


Answer by  randall6 (242)

You can use newspapers as mulch. I also use hay. I have seen people around here use pea gravel as a mulch and weed control also. You can also buy the tree rings at Home depot and use them in place of mulch.


Answer by  Jodie (551)

If you are concerned about using mulch there are other options. The best would be to use pine straw. It stays in place and does not attract termites like mulch does.


Answer by  basil (311)

Shredded rubber, landscaping rock, pine needle straw and even old newspapers are all alternatives to mulch. Planting low-growing (and low maintenance) ground cover plants such as vinca minor or pachysandra offer a long term solution that is attractive.

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