

Question by  travelguruette (23)

What can you tell me about the lion's intelligence?

Are they very smart?


Answer by  Anonymous

Lions, being social animals, are very intelligent. They are good at team work and use strategic thinking in the hunt for prey. They vary their strategy according to the prey they seek. Lions also possess individual characters and females set up 'creches' for their young. They are very smart indeed.


Answer by  Dan3686 (969)

In comparison to Humans or Apes then no they are not. But in their own environment on the plains in Africa then yes they can adapt to many situations and scenerios.


Answer by  lgh1 (46)

As predators go, Lions are highly intelligent specially the females. They hunt in mostly pairs or groups which makes the hunt more successful. Their agile movements through the bush with camouflage allows them to sneak right infront of a prey and surprise them. Once the prey is caught, the lions grip the prey in it's neck tightly suffocating them.


Answer by  prissymissy (1895)

Lions are not considered a very intelligent animal. They are sort of average in terms of intelligence. They are not as smart as dogs or dolphins.


Answer by  Maxine23 (12)

The female lion is extremely intelligent, she hunts and feeds the cubs along with the male lion. The male tends to be less intelligent and more of a figure head.


Answer by  mcmario2007 (786)

This depends if you are talking about a wild or domesticated lion. Domesticated lions are very adaptable with people, wild lions have their own intelligence when it comes to hunting techniques and survival techniques. Domesticated lions have lived with people as pets and can have enough intelligence to understand humans.


Answer by  chitraanilkumar (340)

as comapred with other animals Lion is also same as donkey idont think they have any intelligence if they they are inteligence why the king of forest living in den or in our zoo or in circus rings

posted by Anonymous
Because they don't have opposable thumbs. It's not generally an evolutionary necessity for an animal that can kill its prey without tools.  add a comment

Answer by  Anonymous

on the other hand, lions don't care about what you think the intelligence is. people are just slightly prettier than monkeys.


Answer by  justint (13)

yes they are,they learned to hide in the brush while stalking there pray, in remote parts of africa they commit revenge killings against humans who have slaughtered their brethren. they also have been know to attack hunters.

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