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Question by  photog (12)

What can you tell me about Daruwala?

Do you read his horoscopes?


Answer by  catysuzgirl2000 (578)

Astrology is about the mapping of planetary positions and its correlations and interpretations. Indian astrologers use the Hindu almanac details and Zodiac signs based on Indian mythology. Lord Ganesha is a deity- a God of wisdom and prudence who unravels mysteries of nature and human existence.


Answer by  LianV (183)

Bejan Daruwala is a world famous astrologer. He became famous for his articles publish in many newspapers and his best selling book. He often appears on television shows world wide. His son, Shree Bejan Daruwala, has also followed in his father's footsteps as a great astrologer.


Answer by  SLSharma (43)

Yes pl. I often read Mr. Daruwala's predictions. He is quite popular in young blood as well as in seniors.His observation is mostly acurate. Just try once.

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