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Question by  answer17 (97)

What can you do to fix a soft mattress?

I am in an executive apartment for three months and the mattress is horrible.


Answer by  RunawayJim (964)

Nothing really except putting something on top of it. You might be able to find something for cheap since you are moving soon. Look into it.


Answer by  snceflyf (448)

you can purchase several types of foam pads that are made for all sizes of mattresses. You can buy one that will help make your soft mattress a little firmer.


Answer by  gin (366)

A temperary fix is to put a piece of plywood between the mattress and the boxspring. It won't make the soft mattress much better but it will help.


Answer by  toottoot (192)

I would see if I could add something to make it more firm. Could you put an eggshell layer on top? Or maybe even put a hard board on top of the soft mattress and then a fluffy mattress on top of the hard board. Or sleep on the floor.

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