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Question by  ajith66 (10)

What can women do about unwanted facial hair?


Answer by  AidansMomma (106)

There are many options for removing unwanted facial hair. Bleaching wont remove it, but make it less noticeable. Shaving is another option, but must be done frequently. There is also waxing and tweezing which would need to be done every couple of weeks. Hair removal creams can be used less frequently, and laser hair removal is costly, but permanent.


Answer by  Tini (221)

Women with unwanted facial hair have a few options. They can wax the hair off, use a facial dipilatory cream, which dissolves the hair a little below the skin's surface, lighten the hair with a bleach for the face, or shave it. I prefer waxing because the hair is completely gone for 4-6 weeks.


Answer by  StaceyW (251)

Women with unwanted facial hair can have the hair waxed or threaded for a temporary fix. I have even seen creme bleach for facial hair which will make the hair less noticeable. There are also laser treatments available which can solve the issue permanently, but these can be quite costly.


Answer by  lonelywolf (2117)

The two best methods are electrolysis and laser hair removal. These can be expensive, and a cheaper short term solution is facial waxing.


Answer by  alz (2329)

There are different options. They can get laser which will eventually stop the hair from growing back at all. Or, there is waxing, a cheaper option.

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