


Question by  Caryn85 (418)

What can I do about yellowish grass?


Answer by  shandilyan (180)

It is obtained due to lack of water,too much of direct sun light,the roots are dead,pests. We need to check the soil test and by that results we need to choose the good fertilizers,we need to pour some water to tranfer the yellow grass into green.


Answer by  maber (1427)

Yellow grass is usually a sign of an animal, such as a dog, is peeing in your yard. The reaction of the urine and grass causes the grass to lose it's green color and turn yellow. You can add fertilizer to the grass to help it grow back to the proper color.


Answer by  jp1999 (231)

Yellow grass can result from an inadequate supply of nitrogen, compacted soil or standing water. Feeding the grass will help if it is a nitrogen problem. Aerating the soil will help if it is compacted. Draining the soil will help if there is standing water.


Answer by  kishore16 (29)

deficiency of nutrients. so we should give proper nutrients. watering to the grass field reguraly. the grasses should expose to sunlight. frequently used insecticide to the lawns. we r also periodically remove the weed in the field.

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