human body


Question by  MasterofZelda (19)

What can I do about very sensitive nipples?


Answer by  emhaskey (685)

Take a pregnancy test. Nipple sensitivity can be a sign of pregnancy. If breastfeeding, give your nipples time to get used to it. Pure lanolin can help decrease nipple sensitivity.


Answer by  Mable (3008)

The first questions are whether you have a medical problem or are nursing. If not, the sensitivity is probably caused by dryness and chafing or allergy to fabric in your bra. Surprisingly, the best solutions to dryness and chafing are: drinking more fluids and applying non-waxy chapstick or lip balm.


Answer by  dhuoda (1431)

If you are not pregnant, then oil of evening primrose is said to be a good, natural remedy, especially for hormone related symptoms. Avoid too much stress and caffeine.


Answer by  Kathleen70 (19)

This can be painful and embarrassing, so let's skip all the jokes and talk strategy. First, do not use any soap on your breasts or nipples. They will be clean enough just from the shower. Then use Lansinoh cream on them as a barrier/protector against clothing. Good luck!


Answer by  mcr666 (362)

A common home remedy is to put cabbage on them. This may sound unusual but I have heard that it is quite effective.


Answer by  jandoe (42)

I believe that they may make creams for that. but lots of people pray to have more sensitive ones, so you should embrace them! if they embarrass you through your clothes maybe whear extra padding


Answer by  NathanCloud (28)

Well if you're a guy, then you can wear Tank tops so that the shirt doesn't bother you there. If you're a girl, then maybe you can wear sports bra's.


Answer by  ewam (403)

For most girls, nipple sensitivity means that your pregnant. So first, I would take a pregnancy test. Also, your nipples are known to get sensitive during your period. If none of this helps, see a doctor.

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