home remedies


Question by  turker (142)

What can I do about swollen taste buds?


Answer by  whitekeys (112)

Assuming that there is really just one or two swollen taste buds, and not all of them are swollen, I would normally just take a nail clipper and snip the infected ones off. They are so painful, yet so small, this has always worked well for me. Your tongue is one of the fastest healing parts of your body.


Answer by  Dontbugme (697)

First, don't rub them over your teeth even if it feels better because this will only aggravate the condition. Most of the time these will go away by themselves without treatment and no one can catch them from you because they are not contagious. If they persist you could try Zilactin. If that doesn't help see a doctor.


Answer by  whoareyou (3483)

Consult with your dentist asap, as this could indicate gum/mouth disease or other issues. Take an Ibuprofen for swelling, brush your teeth often, and rinse with a 1/2 water and 1/2 hydrogen peroxide solution every day, if not more often. Avoid really hot foods and drinks, warm temp is best. Again, see your dentist!


Answer by  laurentinojaimes (24)

i am a latino and my grandma has always told me to put salt on my swollen taste buds because they are caused by them being iritated so what the salt does if take out all of the liquid in it and around it the longer ur tounge is out the faster it will heal

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