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Question by  William (26)

What can I do about my 10 month old that won't go to sleep at night?


Answer by  Meg (224)

If your child is napping too long, they won't fall asleep easily at night. Create a bedtime routine that lets your child know it is no longer play time and quiet, sleep time. Place your child in their crib awake and teach them to fall asleep on their own.


Answer by  Dana46 (2345)

First off, don't worry about it to much, and don't blame yourself. It's a common problem with parents. Secondly, remember that the kid will sleep when the kid needs to sleep. Be a nurturing parent, but sometimes walk away to let them learn to soothe themselves.


Answer by  lauryn (194)

You should probably establish a consistent bedtime routine to help your 10 month old know that it is time for bed. After dinner give your baby a bath and put them in their pajammas. Than sit down with your baby and read a bed time story or play some soothing music. This should help your baby get readyy for bedtime.


Answer by  pradhaprajgmailcom (1518)

you can't do anythig about it.Do not make the baby to sleep in the afternoon times.Make the child to play for a long time in the evening.

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