health conditions


Question by  Katie44 (8)

What can I do about a finger wart?


Answer by  bubbyboy (9929)

Finger warts are easily treated by using wart removers available in a drugstore. These products are a liquid and are brushed on the wart.


Answer by  Melissa81 (90)

There are many over the counter remedies that can be used to treat a finger wart. Although, not all finger warts can be treated so easily. If a finger wart does not respond to conservative treatment, you should seek treatment with your personal physician. A doctor will typically freeze a wart to treat it.


Answer by  djcwoman37 (373)

There are some home remedies that you can use to help get rid of finger warts. Take a Vitamin E daily. Twice a day break open the Vitamin E capsule and apply the oil directly on the wart(s). An old wives tale says to apply hot bacon grease to the wart(s) and then go hide the bacon. It does work.


Answer by  souldolphindream (835)

I would recommend that you compound w to help get rid of it. We are a natural family and also have used tea tree oil,which seemed to help alot.Hope this helps.

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