


Question by  katdog (294)

What books did Robert Coles write?


Answer by  lolxgirl (36)

Robert Coles wrote the children series of books Children of Crises. His other written works include Presidential Medal of Freedom and Dead End School which was illustrated by the famous Norman Rockwell.


Answer by  BrendaG (6111)

Robert Coles works include a series of books on Children In Crisis that documents how parents and children handle extreme change. They include "A Study In Courage and Fear", "Migrants, Share-croppers, Mountaineers", "The South Goes North", "Eskimos, Indians, Chicanos", and "The Privileged Ones-The Well-Off And The Rich In America". He wrote 75 books and received different awards for his work.


Answer by  bl834 (1317)

He has written 75 books, starting with "A Study in Courage and Fear" in 1967 through more recent titles where he has selected works or short passages written through 1999.


Answer by  AngelSkyy (234)

Robert Coles wrote a lot of books dealing with the moral intelligence and imagination of children. He also had other books dealing with photography and the political life of children.

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