


Question by  spyman0071 (86)

What are welping supplies for dogs?


Answer by  srainne (2597)

Mother nature pretty much leads the mother and tells her what to get so to speak, but make sure that you have plenty of blankets and a safe area blocked off.


Answer by  keiki (1376)

A whelping box is needed, as well as lots of towels to keep things clean. Also have a pair of scissors in case you need to cut an umbilical cord.


Answer by  Jimbob (2275)

They are supplies for helping to bring along a newborn puppy. When dogs have puppies the owners are often interested in selling the puppies so these sorts of supplies are things like special formula to feed the dog and things that you can put on the puppies to help smooth there skin. The supplies vary.


Answer by  mammakat (11147)

Whelping supplies are items meant to help you with a breeding female and to aid in birth and post- birth. "Whelping" is giving birth. You should always consult your breeder and vet, and then there are great websites, such as JBpet and Jeffers that have reasonable prices on whelping supplies.

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