

Question by  anushsai (17)

What are the symptoms of obsessive-compulsive personality?

Is it curable?


Answer by  sspugs (496)

Major symptoms of this disorder are uncontrollable thoughts or images that you think of over and over again. Some of the types are washers(such as washing hands over and over), checking things(such as doors, appliances), counters or arrangers and hoarders. This can be cure but it is usually a long and upsetting process for the person suffering.


Answer by  roncitrus (88)

Repetitive hand-washing, hoarding, sexual or aggressive impulses, checking things repeatedly. St. john's wort has been cited as a natural remedy.


Answer by  Anonymous

My husband has OCD; he obsessively cleans even when he knows things are clean. If something is missing he will rip up our apartment to find it no matter how long it takes. He gets distressed if I address an envelope wrongly, or any number of other small things.

posted by Anonymous
Treatment is usually self-help (knowing what you're doing is half the battle - and most sufferers know what they're doing is irrational) and psychotherapy. The medications don't really control it as well.  add a comment

Answer by  Erynn (1651)

A preoccupation with detail and organization. A certain way of doing things; perfection to the point of inefficiency; cleaning when things are clean is common. There are no medications.


Answer by  Travis404607 (3916)

Symptoms include constant checking, cleaning, or counting. This can lead to excessive worry and stress. The condition is not curable, but can be managed with medication.

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