

Question by  Shryque (24)

What are the symptoms of liver disease?


Answer by  bubbyboy (9929)

One of the first symptoms may be extreme fatigue. Your abdomen may swell and you can start to retain fluid. Your skin may develop a yellow color.


Answer by  Lucius (196)

One of the most common liver diseases is fatty liver disease where there is a build up of fat in the liver causing inflammation, tenderness/pain around the liver and scarring which can become permanent. If left untreated the inlammation/pain can lead to hepatitis and scarring to fibrosis.


Answer by  cathybellejones (309)

The first sign of lver disease is a swollen stomach that remains large with no other obvious weight gain. Sometimes the stomach will be sensitive to the touch. A person will also notice a lack of energy and depending on the severity of the liver damage, extreme tiredness could be felt. In more serious cases, jaundice may occur.


Answer by  Connie45 (1110)

Often there are no symptoms until a person is in ESLD (end-stage liver disease.) The first sign is usually extreme fatigue for no real reason. There may also be swelling of the abdomen (ascites) or extremities (edema.) The liver enzymes will be elevated.

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