health conditions


Question by  mrpockets (18)

What are the symptoms of hypochondriac?


Answer by  Siegfried (63)

A hypochondriac is a patient that believes him/herself to be suffering from a disease that s/he does not actually have. As such, the symptoms can be nearly anything, depending on the disease the patient claims to have - in this case, the absence of symptoms is itself a symptom.


Answer by  Veetzy (376)

Hypochondria is an anxiety disorder resulting in imaginary medical conditions. These people seek medical attention frequently. In their minds, the smallest physical ailment turns into a major medical conditions. For example, they may think a headache is a brain tumor. This results in increased blood pressure and stomach problems.


Answer by  Natalie14 (230)

Hypochondriacs believe their medical symptoms, whether real or imagined, as a serious illness. The main symptom is that a slight ailment is a serious condition. They make several trips to the doctor and switch doctors, if he becomes suspicious. They may become anxious that they are going to die.


Answer by  gregoli (106)

A hypochodriac is commonly known as a person who constantly believes they are ill, regardless of whether they are sick or not. They often complain of seemingly insignificant symptoms, and often research their symptoms to see what disease(s) they may or may not have.

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