


Question by  Slush (41)

What are the statistics for people with color blindness?


Answer by  Blip (313)

In the United States, approximately 7 percent of the male population is affected by color blindness, totaling in the neighborhood of 10.5 million. Only 0.4% of the American female population is affected by color blindness due to the female's genetic makeup (two X chromosomes), which renders the mutation in the chromosome recessive.


Answer by  MaryJ (208)

One in 76 people are color blind. Color blindness is predominantly in men and is usually hereditary from your mother's side of the family. Some people only have trouble with a few colors and some have trouble with more. It is very rare for a woman to be colored blind.


Answer by  sara71 (14)

More males than females are colorblind. It is a recessive trait and is usually passed down through the female while exhibiting itself in the male. The most common type of color blindness is red-green. Other types make it difficult for the sufferer to distinguish blue from yellow. In the rarest form the sufferer sees only black, white, and grays.

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