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Question by  MustangJ (17)

What are the six traits of writing?


Answer by  patti (29325)

In the classroom, the Six Traits are: Ideas, Organization (of the ideas), Voice, Sentence Fluency (make sure it makes sense), Word Choice (expanding vocabulary), and Conventions (the accepted rules).


Answer by  Zoe (2369)

The six traits are ideas, organization, voice, sentence fluency, word choice, and conventions. Ideas are basically the things you talk about, organization is pretty straightforward, voice is how the person sounds. Does it sound like you speaking, an encyclopedia, a professional, etc. Teachers will tell you what they want. Sentence fluency and word choice are also pretty straightforward.


Answer by  butterflyblonde (250)

Observe and brainstorm to get ideas. Organize. Choose your voice. Make your writing flow. Use appropriate words to express meaning. Check format, grammar, spelling, etc.

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