

Question by  pauljen (9)

What are the hair-like things that come out of a scab by picking at it?


Answer by  mammakat (11147)

That is usually hair or fuzzy debris that has got caught in the healing matter before it solidifies into a scab.


Answer by  medhelper (28)

The hair like things that come out of a scab when you pick at it are actually long, thin bundles of white blood cells that have congealed at the site of the wound, and are working to create a barrier between the healing wound and the air. It is best not to pick scabs.


Answer by  mb (5482)

These are just strands of fiberous tissue that are mostly protiens. They are normally found in the blood but form in scabs to give it form.


Answer by  pancake (30)

After you get a cut or abrasion, your body starts to heal by covering up the cut with a scab so germs won't get in your body. The hair-like things in the scab are skin hairs.


Answer by  zobars (34)

It could be some skin or skin hair that you have pulled out when picking at the scab. They could also be a barrier of white blood cells.


Answer by  Petalmaker1 (263)

Picking scabs is extremely bad for your skin and causes it to scar. A scab is nature's own healing plaster and should be left to drop off on its own. If you pick at a scab and find hair sticking to it, that is probably because it has pulled some skin or scalp hairs along with it.


Answer by  y3636363 (1380)

That seems really weird unless you have hair going on the area of the scab, then there should be no hair like things there.

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