


Question by  worker2371 (56)

What are the different Kung Fu forms?


Answer by  julian (7)

Bafaquan Baguazhang Bajiquan Bak Mei Black Tiger Chaquan Changquan Chuo Jiao Chow Gar Chi Hsuan Men Choy Gar Choy Lee Fut Dachengquan Ditangquan Do Pi Kung Fu Dragon Kung Fu Duan Quan Emeiquan Fanziquan Feng Shou Five Ancestors Five Animals Five Petal Plum Blossom Qigong Hong Cha Hop Gar


Answer by  askanswer (349)

The different kung fu forms include animal styles like tiger, crane, white crane, praying mantis, snake, panther, and monkey, and other forms like drunken style and wing chun.


Answer by  michaelbowers (57)

there are many different forms of kung fu. but make it really different is it also has stlyes that are forms of animals. such as the crane,tiger,dragon,leopard,mantis and others. shoalin and wing chun is a couple of none animal forms.

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