There are generally two breeds that are good for meat, the Florida White and the New Zealand. It is best to use rabbits with white fur, thus the Florida Whites, so that if there is a bit of hair that gets stuck to the meat it is not as apparent.
The best meat rabbit breeds are:
Californian weighing 10 to 12 lbs
Cinnamon weighing 9 to 11 lbs
American Chinchilla weighing 9 to 11 lbs
Creme d'Argent weighing 9 to 11 lbs
French Lop weighing 11 to 16 lbs
Hotot weighing 9 to 11 lbs
New Zealand weighing 9 to 12 lbs
Palomino weighing 9 to 12 lbs
Rabbits are divided into categories, those being "Fryers", "Roasters", and "Stewers". The best rabbit meat would be "mixed breeds". Some excellent choices would be the Californian, Cinnamon, French Lop and Silver Fox.
The best meat rabbits are either Californian or New Zealand. If you obtain an American Rabbit Breeder's standard book it will give you all the possible breeds.