

Question by  wisdomt (24)

What are the benefits of a gas boiler versus an electric boiler?


Answer by  MikeG (1650)

A gas boiler tends to heat the water much faster than an electric. The main downfall would be maintenance and operating costs. An electric costs less over the long term and are more energy efficient. Also certain approved electric boilers can also qualify for a tax credit if you own the home and depending on your state.


Answer by  Liz59 (10966)

A gas boiler uses gas to run and an electric boiler uses electricity. The electric boiler is better on the environment unless you use natural gas.


Answer by  jsflw2010 (459)

The gas boiler will heat water more quickly than an electric boiler. This makes it a more energy efficient choice than the electric boiler which takes longer to heat water thus, using more energy. If hot water is needed fast then the gas boiler would be the cost and time efficient choice.


Answer by  aracnophobic (116)

A gas boiler is much more economical than an electric boiler. You can save up to 200 US dollars by using a gas boiler.


Answer by  CELH (298)

The biggest benefit is definitely that gas is a lot cheaper to use than electricity. Gas will also still work if your electricity goes out.


Answer by  tamarawilhite (17883)

A gas boiler may be cheaper to operate. A gas boiler will not stop working if the electricity goes out. An electric boiler is less likely to generate the risk of a gas leak, and is cheaper if gas prices go up.


Answer by  Liz59 (10966)

A gas boiler may work faster than an electric boiler. A gas boiler actually starts to work immediately, versus the electric boiler, which takes time to start and heat up.


Answer by  champaign9497 (11977)

A gas boiler recovers faster so that makes it more efficient but it is more expensive than the electric boiler the difference in the two recovery times is significant the gas boiler is probably 50 to 60 percent more efficient in recovery time that the electric boiler would be for you.

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