

Question by  hotmess (22)

What are symptoms of a neoprene allergy?


Answer by  Anonymous

I wore a knee support made of neoprene and developed a severe reaction started with itchy swelling that increased down to ankle then blisters all over knee area that burst and spread. two of these blisters became inflamed and crusty and dr said it was impetigo.. still have scarring

Reply by creamcake1us (9):
I have lived with being allergic to neoprene for 15 years. At first, I could find items other then knee support braces which I had to have special made. Now I find in America appox. 95% of our products contain neoprene. Shoes, purses,clothes, everything. It affects our breathing. Oder hidden.  add a comment
Reply by creamcake1us (9):
I would like to inform all that I "MAYBE" found knee braces made in USA, without neoprene, a company in Grapevine, Tex. Also Iet me inform you they are making a "lighter" product called NOBUCK, do not be fooled, it is not as hot as neoprene but still same.  add a comment
Reply by SP5Sarrus (1):
Used knee support with neoprene and within less than 24 hours developed hot sweaty redness around the knee area. The blisters all over the knee area and every other area that the support came in contact with. After I stopped used the knee support with som antibiotics system all cleared.  add a comment
posted by Anonymous
I'm reading while screaming inside from unbearable itching. I see no real relief will come except with time. Next time, Ace bandage. Or no more falling down on my knee.  add a comment

Answer by  mamazoyd (6)

Seems I've always been allergic to neoprene with uncontrollable itching. Last time was with knee brace. Ended up with bloody rash in immediate vicinity, and hive type rash covering rest of body stopping just short of face. Never again!

Reply by creamcake1us (9):
You stated never again. What are you going to do when you find that neoprene in now being put in just about all America's products. Items I never dreamed, our clothes, TV Remotes, cameras, shoes, ect. I can touch neoprene and my hands burn.
We few need to band togather.  add a comment

Answer by  dpierce (36)

A neoprene allergic reaction is marked by a form of contact dermatitis. It usually appears in the form of a rash where contact with neoprene occurred.

Reply by creamcake1us (9):
There is more than a red rash. You may not have as severe allergy . It burns like balls of fire, can eat holes in your skin, affect your breathing, cause red blisters and more. The air Americans are breathing due to the neoeprene chemicals could
be harmful to lungs.  add a comment

Answer by  creamcake1us (9)

Neoprene allergy began with Knee Braces with itching red rash. My Chinese Doctor knew, since most neoprene products come from China. I next had deep holes eaten into top of feet due to shoes. It burns like fire. Neoprene has taken American and my life over. What To Do? help!


Answer by  Johnnie (25)

I am allergic to neoprene. The reaction I have is a red, itchy rash wherever neoprene has come into contact with my skin. The rash looks like poison ivy.


Answer by  Lilane (39)

The symptoms of a neoprene allergy are a rash that includes small, red bumps that cause itching, burning, and a tingling sensation to the skin known as prickly heat.


Answer by  TwoToneDodge (2204)

Symptoms include Red, bumpy, itchy rashes following a dip in the water. The people affected most are fair skinned individuals.

posted by Anonymous
Symptoms include red itchy bumps which become blisters that burst on itching applied itchy cream daily condition went away.I need to wear my knee supports every day and i am fair skinned.  add a comment
Reply by creamcake1us (9):
I am not Fair skinned so that is not correct. Please go to search; Neoprene-Allergies & you will find a lot of info. There is not much left in US that is not made from Neoprene. I had a 2" hole eaten out of top of foot. Tongue of shoes.  add a comment

Answer by  creamcake1us (9)

I have just read an article that America is planning on making most all products from the cheaper made Neoprene also Nobuck (this is the lighter version) Ha, if that makes a difference. The polyroathene (sp) oil based material been using cost to much. Burns to the touch, drop it.

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