


Question by  Frank39 (21)

What are symptoms of a cat with a hairball?


Answer by  Dontbugme (697)

Symptoms of a hairball in your cat includes vomiting, especially after eating. Sometimes they vomit several times a day and at the same time are not eating much so nothing comes up. It's possible that a hairball can be large enough that it has to be removed surgically. The best way to prevent it is to brush your cat.


Answer by  TheCatLady (31)

One symptom is coughing or hacking. The cat is trying to bring up the hairball. At this point you should look for a newspaper to put under the cat because the coughing is a prelude to the cat actually vomiting out the hairball. Hairballs are a common occurrence with cats and they are no cause for alarm.


Answer by  Daisy (161)

When your cat has a hairball it will start making hacking and yacking sounds. Eventually you will spy what at first looks like something that should be in the kitty litter box and not where you least expect it. Upon closer inspection you will notice that this little surprise is made of hair. Feeding them Vaseline on a teaspoon helps.


Answer by  Scott93 (119)

A cat with hairball problems will often cough or appear to be choking on something. A lack of appetite may be evident, and the cat may vomit undigested food and clumps of fur, or show signs of constipation. In extreme cases, when the cat cannot dislodge hairballs, its stomach may become distended.

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