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Question by  Phoenix55 (35)

What are "subsonics"?

Are those things below your range of hearing?


Answer by  fudge (12)

'Subsonics' are more correctly termed 'Infrasonics', and are bass frequencies below the level of hearing. The human ear can perceive frequencies all the way down to 20Hz, but frequencies lower than this are undetectable as sound. They may however be able to be perceived as vibration if they are loud enough.


Answer by  johnresa (2455)

Subsonic is when something travels at a speed that is much less than the speed of sound. The speed of sound is 343 meters per second, so it is anything that is traveling at a slower speed than that. It can also mean when something is of less than audible frequency.


Answer by  johnresa (2455)

Yes. It does mean the frequency is too low to be heard. It can also mean the speed of something is less than that of sound.


Answer by  dan1658 (185)

Subsonics would include things that have speed that is lower than the speed of sound. Thigs could be lower than your range of hearing but not subsonic depending on your hearing range.

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