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Question by  smclaughlin (93)

What are some yard sale tips?

I am having a yard sale in three weeks.


Answer by  Plato (26)

Make sure that you have advertised the sale in local newspapers. You'll also benefit from creating and then plastering multiple signs around the area, each of which direct passers-by to the sale location. Finally, it's important that you clearly label each item available for sale and let visitors know the price that each item is selling for.


Answer by  SMS4415 (343)

First, label everything with a price! That way, you don't have to think about it if you're really busy, and all your answers will be the same. Second, consider all offers- and accept most! $1 for an item marked $3 is better than having the item left over!


Answer by  Meat (169)

I would suggest starting to make eye-catching signs, and make a lot. Then to figure out strategic places for these, so everyone will know about your yard sale.


Answer by  SuperL (81)

Put an ad in the newspaper for the day before and the day of your sale. Serious buyers will scope out your merchandise the day before while you're setting up. Also, if you have kids set up a lemonade stand. It will keep them busy and they'll make a killing.

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