Most symptoms of premature menopause are often the same as in natural menopause, examples: Irregular/missed periods, periods that are heavier/lighter than usual, hot flashes:sudden feeling of warmth over your body.
Symptoms includes mood swings, hot flashes, sleeping problems, irregular periods, fatigue and vaginal dryness. If you are experiencing these, you should contact your doctor.
Early menopause symptoms include, missed periods, loss of sex drive and changes in hormones that effects a females moods. As well as night sweats, hot flashes and moos swings. The most obvious is irreguar cycles.
The symptoms of early menopause are getting angry and at the sametime feeling sad very soon even
for small reasons. The mind can't bear that. Even gets tired without doing any work. Some may
suffer from stomachache and headache. There would be changes in their body shapes and their
activities itself changes.