

Question by  Muhammadumar (12)

What are some plant stems that it's okay for kids to chew on?


Answer by  bitchstewie (489)

kids can chew on grass stems. Just yesterday I took my kids to the park and taught them how to chew on grass stems. You peel the stem and chew the light green stalk.


Answer by  amy66 (19)

Plant stems that children can chew on would be very few. I can think of no houseplants that would be healthy for a child to chew on and most are posinous. The only kind of plant stem, if you would even call it that, would be celery, etc.


Answer by  tamarawilhite (17883)

Grass from your lawn is fine if it hasn't had fertilizers or weed killer applied. Hay is acceptable. Dandelion leaves are acceptable and are even edible before they become woody; young dandelion leaves can actually be used as salad. Rose petals are safe. You could also let them chew on fruit stems like from an apple.


Answer by  Dana46 (2345)

Most grasses are fine, including the wild ones that are often found alongside roads. Many of the stems of plants that are eaten as table vegetables, such as spinach, that are often thrown away in food preparation are fine for kids to chew on, they're excluded for visual appeal.


Answer by  Molae06 (1467)

Kids can chew on dandelion stems, carnation stems, daisy stems, and cornflower stems. They can also eat rose petals and daisy petals.


Answer by  rdct (16)

There are many plant stems that are okay, but the safest and most common is St. Augustine grass - common carpet grass.


Answer by  poodlegirl (142)

This can be really dangerous. Even things like clover (safe) might sprayed with weedkillers/fertalizers. Licorice root is a stick. Search online for source

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