what is


Question by  Brian28 (33)

What are some Irish Celtic symbols?


Answer by  msmart90 (50)

The Triskel-- is a spiral with three jagged lines extending from the center. The Spiral of Life-- is similar lokoing to the triskel and has been found in numerous places in Ireland. Trinity-Celtic-Knot-- takes one individual line and interconnects it onto itself in order to show the interconnectivity of life


Answer by  daly (125)

Irish Celtic symbols are The Celtic Cross, Celtic Knots and Celtic Interlace, The Celtic Eternity Knot, The Celtic Lover's Knot, The Celtic Symbols of the 4 Evangelists, The Celtic Spiral,...


Answer by  cangel818 (981)

Some symbols are the Celtic knot, Celtic Cross, the hound of Cuchlamn, Claddagh Ring, the peacock, the Taranis. The knot is special and is used often in art and jewelry.

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