

Question by  maryam (50)

What are some inventions that were created during Medieval times?


Answer by  Teachermanrob (14)

Aside from items like the Longbow and siege weapons many other important inventions sprang forth in the Medieval era such as the astrolabe, compass, horse shoe, horse collar, mechanical clock, eyeglasses, wind and water mills and the three-field crop rotation system.


Answer by  DackThrombosis (1093)

Gunpowder for weaponry, firearms, the longbow, the three field agricultural system, the printing press, the modern university system, horseshoes, and the astrolabe for nautical navigation.


Answer by  lastiel (33)

There was a sharp increase in the number of inventions during Medieval times because of the Renaissance. Some of the most influential were mechanical clocks, watermills and glasses. During this time, the printing press was also invented, revolutionizing the way people though about reading and learning.

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