

Question by  sallyflutterbee (32)

What are some ideas for questions to ask a person when making conversation?


Answer by  abell (13)

You could ask someone what their favorite television show is, what actors star in it and why it is their favorite.


Answer by  Ossurworld (30)

I would ask someone what he or she thinks of the Academy Award decision to increase the number of nominated movies to ten for the Best Picture of the Year.


Answer by  Cathy65 (652)

You could ask where they are from, what they have been up to recently, if they have taken a vacation this year or what their occupation is.


Answer by  tamarawilhite (17883)

Everyone asks, what do you do? What do you think we should ask as a conversation starter instead? Instead of "what's your sign?", what would you ask me?

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