

Question by  machouno79 (17)

What are some good art projects for 6 year olds?


Answer by  Marsha (2337)

Have them decorate a paper cup and then plant some seeds in it. You can draw a black line into any kind of shape on a piece of paper then have the child look at it and draw something out of it usin gthe black shape as the basis. use scrapbook cut-outs to make scenes on paper.


Answer by  tamarawilhite (17883)

1. Make cards to send to family members and friends, such as fourth of July thank you cards to veterans. 2. Make their own newsletter with collage art. 3. Write letters to family and friends, to practice writing, and include pictures of what they are discussing. 4. Make get well cards for friends.


Answer by  Jason41 (229)

My daughter loves to play with those foam art kits they sell at Michaels & Walmart. They come in little containers and come in different shapes and sizes. Some are like stickers to stick on paper or a foam sheet. They also come in different shapes according to the holidays: Valentines, Xmas & Halloween. My kids love playing with these


Answer by  nzbee (19)

My 6 year old twins just love to paint! I buy small canvases that are already stretched on frames, then I set up a table with lots of colour choices for the paints and let them go for it. Afterwards they get to hang them up in their room or around the house.

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