Keep it easy for school, so you're not slaving over a face caked with makeup every morning. You can look fresh with a little pink blush, champagne shimmery eye shadow, brown mascara, and some pink tinted lip balm.
Use a little blush and some light lip gloss. When aiming for something cute you should always keep it simple and light. Emphasize what you were born with.
Less is more as they say. For school try to limit it. If your were full makeup to school, then there is nothing special for when you go out. Miineral foundations are a great way to cover your blemishes but still look very natural.
You can try the 'smoky eyes' look. First line the top and bottom of your eyes with black eye-liner,then smudge. This is also a perfect look for parties.
always keep it simple. i usually put white eyeshadow (very light) above the eyelid and a neutral pink on the eyelid, no eyelier, black mascara, normal skin pressed powder, and peachy or pink blush. i know it sounds like a lot but it is really cute
keep it simple for school. I stick with some powder to cover up shine, light brown eyeshadow, brown eyeliner then some mascara and your pretty much good to go with a last touch of some colour on the lips ;)
You dont want to put TOO much on for school, Eyeliner on top, Some mascara, and foundation. I dont wear eyeliner on my bottom lid because it smears to much during the day.
Keep it simple-natural. Put some shimmering highlight on the inside of the eyes, underneath the eyebrows and upper cheekbones. Mascara and a soft lip gloss and you're done.
Ok first I wash my face then apply some tinted moisturizer and a little powder if my face is to shiny then a very thin line of black eye liner on the top then some mascara and lip gloss and maybe a lttle blush! Not to heavy though! :)
keep it simple for school. lipgloss of any color, a small amount of eyeshadow but not to bright, mascara that isn't clumpy and blush on the tops of your cheek bones!!!
I wear: Foundation, powder, eyeliner (only on the bottom), mascara and a little blush. i also curl my eyelash's and apply my foundation and powder with a blush brush
Well if you have blue eyes like me, then take black eyeliner and lift up your eyelid and put it on. Then put either a calm pink or a light biege eyeshadow. Then black mascara on. Put some lipgloss on any color. Natural always looks better.
i lyk to keep mine easy, quick, simple and not too noticable - just something that will make you look more alert, radient and refreshed! - plus theres nothing worse than having a whole load of makeup on not only does it look bad but its bad for your skin!
put eye liner on the top eye lid, not too dark though. this makes your eyes pop out. ( but if u put to much on it ;ooks like u r wearing eyeliner. so not to much)
All I do is wash my face
then coverup for any dark circles maybe some eye shadow and mascara then your done!
just be careful wearing bright pink because it can make you pasty and sick
i think in the morning for school you should stat off by going to the bhroom and rinsing your face with warm water it refreshes your skin and makes it look more radient then after words u should put a little cream on and some finisher but not to much
Wear make up that is not too dark cuz that makes your skin like too orange and not too pale cuz that makes you look like a clown keep it simple and dont cake it on and wear shades that support your skin and eyes so you look more natural
i have bad acne, so I use a mineral powder on my face. i use simple black mascara and GRey eyeliner. grey is less harsh than black. then i top it off with simple lip smacker lip balm! i wear this to school every day.
you should first: (if you use it) put on your blush/foundation then your eyeliner. On the tearlines. Put eyeshadow on, light-med colors. Put on some mascara-on top only. Last, pink tinted or clear lip gloss. (Hope I helped)
cover your face with your choice of base then go to the eyeshadow a light color like with or a bit darker then your skin color then the mascara not to much the lips put a cheery light pink with lipgloss or a very light pink with lipstick
A good but natural look for school is add liner to your top lid then add a light brown to your lid, darker brown to crease then white to your brow bone, add blush, add liner to under your eye then a light pink gloss then your set!
posted by Anonymous
put more eyeliner on your top eye lid and less on the bottom wear some eye shadow thats always cute!
and mascara will always be a girls best friend(: but remember he wants to like you. not a clown add a comment