

Question by  chukster (7)

What are some breathing tips to make jogging easier?


Answer by  benjiross (993)

Instead of breathing in and out in one go, take small inhalations 3-4 times to fill up your lungs and then exhale completely slowly. This supposedly makes oxygenation better.


Answer by  cheldi (95)

Make sure you have good shoes. You can get joggers that have sort of a bump on the sole that help. Make sure you warm up and stretch before the main part of your jog, and keep your posture up. If you slump you are effectively making your lungs smaller.


Answer by  Anonymous

Back when I was in the school track team, my coach would tell us to breathe once, for every four steps we take. It's ok to be conscious of it at the start. Also, breathing from your mouth allows you to take in more oxygen, which you definitely need!


Answer by  saurabhp (158)

When I engage in cardio exercises, I find that the faster you get oxygen into your body, the easier it is to deal with fatigue. I would recommend taking deep inhalations to get a lot of oxygen and quick bursts of exhalations to get rid of carbon dioxide fast.

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