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Question by  ninjakangaroos (45)

What are diversion programs?

My son was arrested and his lawyer is talking about a diversion program.


Answer by  Dean (4035)

A diversion program provides an alternative to a criminal records and helps ease the load of the courts, police and probation officers. Diversion can include community service, restitution. education and/or an agreement to avoid certain situations/behaviors that could lead to more criminal acts. Often the charges are dismissed after completion of diversion, but failure results in full prosecution.


Answer by  tamarawilhite (17883)

Diversion programs are intended to replace jail time as well as rehabilitate someone to avoid re-offense. It will include drug and alcohol counseling if they are addicted. It will also include community service and possibly supervised work to earn money to pay back any money stolen or pay for damaged property.


Answer by  Dean (4035)

It is an alternative to criminal charges/criminal record/jail time. The program is run by the police, usually, and can include community service, restitution, education, etc.


Answer by  BBB16 (71)

A case can be dismissed with rehab, no criminal violations, cooperation, etc. Very worthwhile to do. With successful completion, it is the most desirable outcome to a criminal case.

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