
 pests  yard


Question by  sinemasiren (95)

What are common yew shrub pests?

And how can I eliminate them?


Answer by  DixieDaisy (112)

Ortho Max works really good on these particular pests and can be found at most local gardening centers or home improvement stores. You could check with an employee too to see if they have a better recommendation. What you use can depend on variety, region, weather and other factors.

Reply by BlueCollarBri (118):
IMO it is better to call the experts and let them handle it cuz some of the insecticides are poisonous. If you are gonna DIY wear a mask, gloves and protective clothing  add a comment

Answer by  MablesTime (138)

The Yew Scale is an aphid and the most common pest or insect that damages yew shrubs and bushes. They produce a honey dew that attracts sooty molds. Altogether this is the most damaging problem as far as pests in regard to the yew shrub and should be looked for.


Answer by  FrankieRoma (84)

I had a big problem with my Yews last year and finally found out that I had Yew tree gall midges which apparently attack younger yew shrubs. They multiply realllllly fast too. One day I had just a few and within a week my shrubs were completely infested!

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