pet health


Question by  crane3 (90)

What are common rabbit jaw abscess symptoms?


Answer by  jeyR (264)

Is any part of the jaw swollen or painful? This could be a jaw abscess! Ensure you also feel the inside of the mouth beneath the lower teeth and over the upper teeth - yup! and make sure your rabbit does not bit you in pain when you do that!


Answer by  busyfingers (239)

A very fussy rabbit that refuses to eat and even drools! Although these symptoms are not specific for a jaw abscess it shows that there is something painfully wrong in the mouth or throat and a jaw abscess is one of them.


Answer by  wonderman (201)

It's a good idea to take proper care of your rabbit's teeth - neglected teeth must be the most common cause of jaw abscesses. It's painful and you may sometimes see pus from the gums or even bleeding. Be very wary if there are loose teeth too.


Answer by  poodlegirl (142)

In college, my roommate had a rabbit. One day, she noticed it's lower teeth aren't aligned as they should be. We could feel a pea sized lump on the outside edge of the jaw. She took the rabbit to the vet. It was too late, it was abscessed.

Reply by rejoice (216):
Must have been painful! The poor little rabbit. Did they have to do a surgery to drain the abscess in the jaw? I heard that surgery is sometimes needed. Hope it's better now!  add a comment
Reply by light (200):
Rejoice - actually if you're lucky, then a long course of antibiotics can cure it!  add a comment
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