

Question by  clynnbarnard (40)

What are causes of dark brown stool?


Answer by  PAtobeDU12 (239)

The color of stools may vary greatly depending on diet, nutrition, health, and other factors. The consistency and texture of stools (soft, hard) is more important than color. If the stools are dark brown, almost black, and tarry in appearance it may be caused by a gastrointestinal bleed. This is a serious health condition and a doctor should be consulted.


Answer by  chefmark01 (81)

Dark brown or even black tarry, foul smelling stool can simply be the result of the food you've, eaten, vitamin supplements, or could be an indication of blood high in the digestive tract. Dark foods will cause dark stools and iron supplements will cause the stool to be dark, however if you can't pin it on diet, see a doc.


Answer by  noey1958 (1405)

A dark brown stool can be an indication of blood in the stool. Dark brown like coffee grounds or black is another indication of blood. One other reason can be if you ingested dark food coloring in something like frosting or candy. Other times it can be just something you ate and it will return to normal very soon.


Answer by  Liz59 (10966)

That means you are not drinking enough water and also you do not have enough nutrients in your system. In particular, you are lacking fiber. So be sure to treat this.


Answer by  NYCCDC (311)

Recent consumption of particular foods can cause changes to the color of stool. However, a dark brown stool should not be confused with a black colored stool. You may have signs of an upper GI bleed. Consult with your health care provider about these recent bowel movements.


Answer by  lalaland (238)

This can be caused by a lack of healthy green vegetables in your diet. Consuming foods high in iron can cause this too. If there's blood, consult your doctor.


Answer by  G12345 (1808)

The worrisome cause of dark stoll is melena. Melena is very dark and tarry looking stool. This is typically due to an upper gastrointestinal bleed. Any unusually dark stool needs to be investigated.


Answer by  stevmac (16)

Iron supplements, Oreo's, Pepto Bismol.. just to be specific.


Answer by  bash (1026)

There are various reasons for this. If you have eaten some special kind of food or medicines, there are chances of becoming the stool dark brown.

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