human body


Question by  ethiraj (5)

What are all the joints of the body?


Answer by  ranica (184)

here are the joints that can be found in a human body: immovable joints, ball and socket joints, cartilaginous joint, semi movable joint and hinge joint


Answer by  poliwrath (5)

Acromioclavicular Ankle Atlas Calcaneocuboid Carpometacarpal Elbow Femur Tibia Hip bone Humerus Intercarpal Carpal Intermetacarpals Interphalangeal Knee Mandible and temporal Metacarpophalangeal Metatarsophalangeal Pubic Radioulnar Radius Ribs Sacrococcygeal Sacroiliac Shoulder Symphysis Sacroiliac Scapula Sternoclavicular Sternocostal Subtalar Talus and calcaneus Talus and navicular Tarsometatarsal Tibia-fibula and talus Tibiofibular Vertebral arches Vertebral bodies Wrist

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