

Question by  Lanwanman (90)

What airline would you use to fly to Quebec?

Which one is the most economical?


Answer by  CookieB (56)

Flying Air Canada is the best way to get to any destination in Canada. They are the airlines that is most knowledgeable about customs, laws, locations, attractions, lodging and general country information. Air Canada is clean and very efficient. They depart from many large airports in the US with direct flights to Quebec.


Answer by  Bayarts (470)

I highly recommend AirQuebec for flight transportation throughout Canada. However, this airline service does not service all areas, so the best airline would depend upon one's point of departure. If leaving from New York, for example, AirCanada is a great option. If flying from L.A. United Airlines is an excellent option. Check with your travel agent for more choices.

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