

Question by  ruth (407)

Should I punish my toddler for smearing stool all over her playpen?


Answer by  Anonymous

It's never ok to "punish" a toddler. Doing things "on purpose" is not the same with such young children. Firm, but calm "no!" s, removing her from the situation (which of course you'll have to anyway to clean up)should do it.


Answer by  Anonymous

It's never ok to "punish" a toddler. Doing things "on purpose" is not the same with such young children. Firm, but calm "no!" s, removing her from the situation (which of course you'll have to anyway to clean up)should do it.


Answer by  tamarawilhite (17883)

If it is a first offense, then no, because the child doesn't know better. If they are doing this repeatedly, then spank their hand when they do it.

Reply by Zetau (125):
No. Please, you should never strike any person... young or old. She\'s an adult-in-training. Teach by example. I was a solo-dad to my son and daughter for over 16 years.  add a comment

Answer by  Jen (54)

If she did it on purpose then she needs to understand that that's not acceptable behavior. By that age they should know that.

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