pet health


Question by  siva (28)

Should I euthanize my dog?


Answer by  Dontbugme (697)

This would depend on your reason for doing so. If the dog is very old and sick, deaf, blind, or has no quality of life, I think euthanizing would be the right thing to do. If you just don't want the dog anymore, take it to the Humane Society.


Answer by  Anna27 (62)

Choosing to put a pet to sleep is not a task to be taken lightly. If your dog is suffering, euthanasia is an option that you should talk about with your vet.


Answer by  Gabriel (2146)

Is it terminally ill? Has the vet recommended that you put it down? Is there a chance for recovery? If your dog is really ill, with no chance to recover, the merciful thing may be to euthanize it. Otherwise, see if there is a no-kill shelter in your area.


Answer by  bsatterfield (131)

If the dog is suffering and in pain. My dog of twelve years had a stroke in which it couldn't control its back legs or bowl movements. I decided that was an appropriate reason to euthanize her. If the dog is just annoying then no.

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