

Question by  YahoooSearch20 (28)

Should I be concerned that my refrigerator turns on but shuts off after a few seconds?


Answer by  ihatetv (581)

Most fridges only "run" when they need to to keep the temperature at the desired temperature. This saves on energy. In my experience, the time to worry about your fridge is when it starts rising in internal temperature.


Answer by  abccraft (85)

Your utility bill is probably running higher than normal. To solve this problem, what you need to do is to reset your controls either slightly higher or lower. Remember the proper settings will help keep utility bills down.


Answer by  Srfingfreak (697)

The problem is probably in your sensor, the sensitivity is too high. This part can be replaced for relatively cheap by a repairman.


Answer by  CELH (298)

No. The sound you are hearing is the motor turning on and off. Your refrigerator is basically a giant cooler. The motor has to turn on to bring the temperature down, then it turns off until the temperature needs to go down again.


Answer by  janedoe (701)

If it never stays on for longer than a few seconds and doesn't stay cold, you should be concerned. Otherwise, most refrigerators maintain their temperature by turning on for short bursts and then automatically shutting off again. This is likely what yours is doing, so as long as everything is staying cold, no need to worry!


Answer by  cubicz (16)

A refrigerator has a heater to thaw the ice that accumulates in the freezer. The less ice that is there then it most likely will shut off more. Keep the outside cleaned and vents clear and also defrost it often. Treat your fridge well and it will you. It's normal for a fridge to shut on and off.


Answer by  thea831 (28)

You should be concerned. It will affect the shelf life of your food. Your refridgerator might have a little explosion in the electrical wiring inside. Get your fridge fixed asap.


Answer by  Liz59 (10966)

Yes you should be concerned. Your food may start to melt or rot if you do not fix the settings of your appliance. A part may have been burned out.


Answer by  carwash (148)

Heh yes this is a very big problem food that is exposed to non refregigerated temperatures can go bad very fast and most likley you would not know it before it was to late! so get it checked.


Answer by  aracnophobic (116)

No indeed, you should not be concerned at all. It is just a normal process that happens every single time.

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